Why choose us?

1. Commitment to Quality

We are committed to continuously improving our products, services and processes to meet and exceed our customers’ requirements and quality objectives by integrating NB Tech's vision into our daily work.

2. Customer Focus

Always we provide more than what our customer expect to get and this customer service is a series of activities designed to deliver customer satisfaction. The process of providing customer satisfaction is based on an understanding of what customers want and need exactly.

3. Competitive Prices

Quality is unsurpassed while the prices are affordable and cost-effective.

4. Dedicated, One-On-One Attention

The major benefit of choosing NB Tech Consultants (India) is that you get the ‘one-on-one’ attention you require for us to tailor the best customized solution for your needs and which will go long-run for your business/objective.

We value our client relationships and this is evident in the quality of service we provide. Web.Com (India) is dedicated to delivering all of our clients the same high standard of project execution and excellence.

About us


Our Vision

Every business is unique and it is critical that your online presence, mobile app or software tool distinguishes you from your competition. We work closely with you to develop an intimate understanding of your vision, target market, marketing objectives, competitive environment and distinctive competencies.


It was a wonderful experiences working with NB Tech Consultants ! They have been providing services to my organization from day one. Their support teams and managers are working and responding within a hour. Wish them all the very best for future endeavourer.

- Chairman Rajpath KTM, Bhubaneswar

NB Tech Consultnats, they have designed and developed my Domestic & International Tour & Travel website with full of meaningful visualization and payment gateway. Instead of reading my feedback, just visit the site @ www.dewvacations.com or www.dewvacations.in

-Director Dew Vacations Pvt.Ltd.

NB Tech Consultants are provided 2 important projects for my business. A completely matrimony portal for match-making service sankhasindura.com and homely made food delivery services through online booking. I am delighted in their team work and quick delivery.

-MD Sankhasindura & Odisha Tiffins